Stomach exercises will always be components of bodybuilding that will always be somewhat misunderstood. Mainly, this is because people assume stomach exercises are a means of spot reduction to lose abdominal fat. This is really not the case as the main way to lose fat in the abdominal region is through proper diet and cardio exercise.
However, it is most definitely important to build up the abdominal muscles through performing the proper exercises that are conducive to developing the ripped six pack of abs that most people find so attractive on a person. So, what are the common exercises one should perform to build up the ab region? Let's take a look at the top ones:
The Basic Situp: The situp draws much of its positives from the ability to properly condition and tighten the ab muscles. It is not the greatest of the ab exercises but it is among the simplest to perform. That is why it could be consider the best of the starting stomach exercises.
The Crunch: Now, this could be considered the proverbial king of the stomach exercises since it develops the abs to the most significant degree. The way a crunch works is that you ‘crunch' your body like an accordion by bringing your knees and shoulders together. This will place stress on the entire ab region greatly defining the muscles.
The Upward Leg Press: Basically, the way this exercise works is that you lie on your back and roll on your shoulders with shoulders and then press your legs upwards in the air. This stresses the muscles slightly differently than other stomach exercises and it is well worth performing.
Leg Scissors: These stomach exercises are performed by simply making scissor motions with the leg to develop the interior muscles of the abs. When done quickly, these exercises will burn a lot of calories and help you lose abdominal fat.
6 Inch Leg Raise: This involves raises your legs off the ground about six inches while lying on your back. Yes, this exercise is TOUGH but it really enhances the ab region significantly. Just try not to strain yourself when performing it.
Side Bends: These are probably the easiest of the stomach exercises since all they involve is standing up and alternating bending on the right side and the left side. They do, however, help develop the oblique ab muscles quite nicely and are well worth performing.
Once again, you will need to mix these exercises in an overall weight loss and exercise program designed to lose abdominal fat to get the best benefit. However, the results will be well worth it in the end!