To get to your answer we must start from the begining.
What is the best muscle building supplement, there are many bodybuilders who may tell you something else, but for now lets begin with Whey you might be starting off this is the best choice, then as ur training intensifies this may change for you. But for now this is the best, why I ask you cry, well for me it’s because it’s 100% natural, and like me, I like to do things as nature intended me to do.It also can help without any side effects, it is also scientifically proven to be more healthier for you and your body. This is my recommendation, you can get whey protein shakes which I find easy to digest and u can get different flavours.
I also think protein is also a good choice for no 1 as without protein your body can not build the muscle you desire.
My other no 1 spot is shared with….correct…Nitric Oxide. I found this supplement help maximise the results in a shorter space of time. I’ve seen bodybuilders use these two to gain, the results were amazing.
Nitric Acid has an amino acid called l-arginine in it.. I know I was shocked when I first heard & read this. As it hits the body it turns into nitric oxide through your body’s complicated process..(I won’t go into detail now as I don’t want to throw you).
So how does it work I hear you shout, well what it does is expand the blood vessels, helps the proteins, nutrients and oxygen get through to the muscles, so start to tear your muscles (don’t stress only micro tears) while doing your set, this incredible supplement helps heal faster and helps make them stronger. This is great if your a hard core bodybuilder but also for the novice.
There are many supplements out of the market that claim to do this, but I have seen the results and I believe this is by far the best. I think when looking at supplements like this and for what you need, trial and error is the key, as your body will tell you if it world or not. For me and many of my bodybuilder friends they all agree this is best. Some will swear by it and won’t train without it.
Your choice, you decide.
Please always remember that all our articles are for advice purposes and should not be taken as medical information, for that you should seek professional advice from your general practioner or from a sports therapist. Please remember that I am doing this as a hobby and it is my own personal point of view.