
How To Lose Man Boobs

There are a number of causes of “man-boobs”, but being overweight or a hormone imbalance are two of the most common. In order to figure out how to lose man boobs, you first have to know the cause of your problem.

If you are not morbidly obese, then your man boobs are probably caused by low testosterone. If this is the case, you should consult with your medical practitioner about hormone supplements or dietary changes. Also, heavy exercise will increase testosterone production naturally.

Fat collects on our bodies in different ways. Women’s bodies tend to store fat on their lower Extremities: hips, thighs and buttocks. Men on the other hand, tend to store fat on their upper bodies: stomach, chest and back.
 How To Lose Man Boobs

The obvious answer to how to lose man boobs is exercise and diet . . . just like any other weight loss and bodybuilding program! Exercise will help condition the muscles, and more muscle tissue will help burn more fat, both stored and ingested.

Diet will help your body burn stored fat and you won’t be overeating of all the things that probably caused the problem in the first place. Your diet and exercise can be very specific to address the problem of man boobs, as well as the fat stored elsewhere on your body.

Spot reducing is a myth from the early days of health and fitness clubs. These clubs perpetuated the myth because of the vast amount of money it generated. They were filled with vibrating belt machines, hip-rollers and other contraptions that mechanically agitated specific body parts.
If these clinics had any successes, it was because of a diet regimen, not their flash vibrating belt machines.

Today we know that fat is stored pretty equally in those key areas subject to that storage. Any good nutrition program will reduce that fat about as evenly as it is stored. So, if you want to diet away those man boobs, you will lose fat in other areas as well. This isn’t a bad thing.

Exercising your chest muscles will make them grow underneath your man boobs. You will be firmer, but until you lose the fat, you will still have the problem.

Here is how to lose those man boobs. This is a good program of nutrition and exercise that will strengthen your body and reduce your overall body fat.
The Exercise Program Strength training will increase your strength and muscle size. Your program should include exercises for all body parts.

Unlike a serious bodybuilding program where massive size is the goal, your program will divide the upper and lower body workouts into alternate days.

The upper body will be worked on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The lower body will be exercised on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Sunday you rest. You will perform three sets of each exercise, most of them for 10 repetitions.


o Wide-Grip Bench Press o Wide-Grip Incline Barbell Press
o Wide-Grip Decline Barbell Press
o Dumbbell Flies on Flat Bench


o Standing Barbell Press
o Upright Rowing with a Barbell
o Front Dumbbell Raises
o Lateral Dumbbell Raises


o Lat Machine Pull-Downs
o Seated Rowing with Cable-And-Pulley Machine
o Bent Over Rowing with a Barbell
o Pull-Ups on the Chinning Bar


o Biceps Curls with Easy-Curl-Bar
o Triceps Press Downs on Cable-And-Pulley Machine
o Preacher Bench Curls with Easy-Curl-Bar
o Triceps Presses on Flat Bench
o Concentration Curls with a Dumbbell, alternating arms
o Bent Over Triceps Extensions

The Nutrition Program

Caloric intake for an active person is determined by age and gender. Consult with your physician about your daily calorie limits.

Calories should come from protein (25%), carbohydrates (40%), fats and fibers (35%). No refined carbohydrates are allowed: No sugar, starches, refined grains or artificial sweeteners. Carbs should come from natural, unprocessed vegetables and fruits.

Protein should come from eggs, milk, organ meats (liver, heart, kidneys, sweetbreads), beef, pork, poultry and fish.

Fats should come from protein rich foods and soluble oils such as olive oil, wheat germ oil and walnut oil.

Fiber will come from the fruits and vegetables.
Supplements you might wish to take: Protein powder, amino acid are the building blocks of proteins (Lipo3 Compound is a good one as lipotropic amino acids help the body metabolize fat), desiccated liver and kelp tablets.
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  1. We realize that fat is kept pretty equally in those key areas at the mercy of that storage. Any good nutrition system will reduce that excess fat about as evenly because it is stored. So, in order to diet away those person boobs, you will reduce weight in other areas at the same time. This isn’t a negative thing.

  2. Learn more about gynecomastia, including how this type of hormone imbalance can impact the health and physical appearance of males.
