
Best Chest Workout For Mass

The pectoralis major, or “pecs” for short, are the largest muscle group located in the upper body. Working the inner, upper, and lower pecs requires quite a few specific exercises, but the results speak for themselves. A well built and toned chest rounds out the appearance and physique.
In order to develop bodybuilder muscles, it is necessary to tear it down with heavy exercise. It is then rebuilt with a high-protein diet. Although diet is often overlooked by amateur bodybuilders, it is extremely important in muscle development. Generally speaking, a muscle builders diet should consist of at least 25% protein and 40% unrefined natural carbohydrates. This is balanced out by healthy fats and fibers.
As part of a routine, the chest should have a dedicated day of total focus per week. Although other muscles will be exercised during this workout, these are only incidental and take a second hand to the chest routine. Any good workout will involve barbells, dumbbells, and body resistance moves.
The following list of exercises make up the best chest workout for bodybuilding. This routine should begin with heavy weight exercises and move down the ladder from there. In other words, it should descend from the ones with the heaviest poundage to body resistance exercises.
Chest Workout For Mass
The best chest workout for those at an intermediate level is usually three sets of eight to ten repetitions. More advanced lifters can consider raising this to five sets of heavier weight with six to eight reps.
Bench Press with Barbell, Wide Grip
Bench Press with Barbell, Wide Grip

Lie on a flat bench and plant your feet squarely on the floor. The bar should be gripped at roughlydouble shoulder width. Begin by lowering the barbell to your lower neck/upper chest region, pause, and then return overhead. 

It is recommended to start with one set as a warm up, using only light weight. This loosens up the muscles and prevents unwanted injuries. The next sets should be performed with the maximum weight possible, for eight to ten repetitions.

Each movement should be slow and smooth, with a pause at full contraction. While lifting, never arch your back or lift with your buttocks off the bench. This can cause strain on your lower neck and eventually lead to injury. Also, bouncing the bar on your chest is never a good idea.

Front Barbell Raise, Incline

Using a lighter weight barbell and an incline bench, begin with your palms and arms facing straight down. Extend your arms upward behind your head in a smooth continuous motion.

Front Barbell Raise, Inclin

Dumbbell Flies, Flat Bench

While laying in the supine position, grab two moderately heavy weights. Hold the dumbbells straight up, and lower them in a smooth fashion. Your arms should bend slightly at the elbow, and should finish parallel with the floor. Avoid overextending your shoulder joints.
Dumbbell Flies, Flat Bench

Incline Press with Barbell, Wide Grip

This is a variation of the standard flat bench press. While laying on an incline bench, lower the weight from straight overhead to your lower neck/upper chest area. The right amount of weight should exhaust your muscles after eight to ten reps.

Decline Press with Barbell, Wide Grip

A variation of the previous exercise but on a decline bench. Arms should start perpendicular to the floor. The weight should be lowered slowly to your neck – eight to ten reps here.

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press

This exercise starts with dumbbells straight overhead. Like the standard bench press motion, lower them slowly to your chest. Make sure to keep your upper arm nearly parallel with your shoulder while keeping your elbows high. Get eight to ten reps with heavy weight.
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press

Flat Bench Dumbbell Pullover Press Lateral

Start with medium weight dumbbells in the supine position. This move begins with the weight at your chest. The dumbbells are then rotated past your head and towards the floor. Then, bring the weight back to your chest and press them over head. From here, keep your arms bent at a forty five degree angle and perform a lateral fly.
Flat Bench Dumbbell Pullover Press Lateral

Push Ups Hands Together

Hands and toes should be about a foot apart and your body remains straight. Push ups are most effective when performed slowly and for as many repetitions as possible.

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